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Showing posts from May, 2024

Understanding Iran's Political Landscape

Understanding Iran's Political Landscape 1/ Iran's political system is unique, blending elements of theocracy and democracy. At its core is the Supreme Leader, currently Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who holds ultimate authority over all state matters, including the military and judiciary. 2/ The President of Iran is the head of government, elected by popular vote every four years. However, the presidency's power is limited compared to the Supreme Leader, who has the final say on major policies and appointments. 3/ Elections in Iran are complex. Candidates for the presidency and parliament (Majlis) must be approved by the Guardian Council, a body of clerics and jurists appointed by the Supreme Leader. This vetting process often leads to a limited pool of candidates. 4/ Reformists and conservatives are the two main political camps in Iran. Reformists advocate for greater political freedoms, civil rights, and engagement with the international community. Conservatives generally supp

Fortifying Society: Navigating the Complexities of Comprehensive Security

 Safeguarding Society: The Imperative of Comprehensive Security  The Imperative of Comprehensive Security 1/ Society's security is multifaceted, extending far beyond traditional notions of law enforcement and defense. It encompasses economic stability, public health, environmental sustainability, and social cohesion. 2/ Economic security involves ensuring stable employment, fair wages, and robust safety nets for those in need. It's about fostering an environment where individuals and businesses can thrive without fear of exploitation or financial ruin. 3/ Public health is paramount to societal security. Accessible healthcare, disease prevention, and effective response mechanisms are essential to protect communities from pandemics and other health crises. 4/ Environmental security addresses the threats posed by climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. Safeguarding our planet is not just an environmental concern but a matter of survival for current and future generation

Global Pulse: Exploring the Top Trends Shaping Our World

  Creating a Twitter thread about the top topics in the world can be a great way to engage with a wide audience and share important information. Here's an example of how you could structure such a thread: 1️⃣ Climate Change: With extreme weather events becoming more frequent, discussions around climate change mitigation and adaptation are at the forefront of global discourse. 2️⃣ COVID-19 Pandemic: Vaccination efforts, new variants, and the ongoing impact on public health and economies continue to dominate headlines worldwide. 3️⃣ Geopolitical Tensions: From conflicts in regions like Ukraine and the Middle East to trade disputes between major powers, geopolitical tensions shape international relations. 4️⃣ Tech Innovation: Advances in artificial intelligence, blockchain, and renewable energy are transforming industries and societies worldwide. 5️⃣ Social Justice Movements: From #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo, global movements for equality and justice are driving social change and chal

Iran begins days of funeral ceremonies for President Raisi as investigators probe helicopter crash

Notwithstanding procuring the moniker the "Butcher of Tehran" for managing Iran's denials of basic liberties, the Unified Countries on Monday held a snapshot of quietness for Ebrahim Raisi after the Iranian president kicked the bucket in a helicopter crash. In line with Russia, China, and Algeria, delegates - including US Representative Minister to the U.N. Robert Wood - remained at the U.N. Security Gathering briefly to respect Raisi. Israeli U.N. Diplomat Gilad Erdan called the snapshot of quietness in memory of "mass killing" Raisi a "shame." Erdan hammered the U.N. Security Gathering for never really propelling the arrival of the leftover prisoners who have been in Hamas bondage since the Oct. 7 assault on Israel. This Gathering, Erdan said, "bowed its head for a man liable for slaughtering and killing thousands in Iran, in Israel, and all over the planet. What's straightaway? Will the Gathering devote a snapshot of quietness to celebrate

Iranian Red Crescent says bodies recovered from Raisi helicopter crash site

  Highlights Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash, state media confirms. Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian also died in the crash, along with several other individuals. Bodies have been recovered from the crash site, says Red Crescent Raisi was en route to the city of Tabriz in north-western Iran after visiting the Iran-Azerbaijan border area, according to local media. Rescuers who reached the crash site in north-western Iran initially reported "no sign of life." The incident triggered a massive search operation that was hampered by adverse weather conditions. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister were killed in a helicopter crash in mountainous terrain and icy weather, an Iranian official said on Monday, after search teams located the wreckage in East Azerbaijan province. "President Raisi, the foreign minister and all the passengers in the helicopter were killed in the crash," the senior Iranian official tol

ইরানি প্রেসিডেন্ট বহনকারী হেলিকপ্টার বিধ্বস্ত

  ইরানের প্রেসিডেন্ট এব্রাহিম রাইসিকে বহনকারী হেলিকপ্টার দুর্ঘটনার কবলে পড়েছে বলে দেশটির রাষ্ট্রীয় গণমাধ্যম রিপোর্ট করছে। ইরানের রাষ্ট্রীয় গণমাধ্যম বলছে রোববার রাইসিকে বহনকারী হেলিকপ্টারটি বেশ বিপজ্জনকভাবে অবতরণ করেছে বলে জানা গিয়েছে। দুর্ঘটনাকবলিত হেলিকপ্টারে মি. রাইসির সাথে দেশটির পররাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী হোসেইন আমিরাবদুল্লাহিয়ান ছিলেন বলে ধারণা করা হচ্ছে। তাদের সাথে ইরানের সর্বোচ্চ নেতার প্রতিনিধি আয়াতুল্লাহ মোহাম্মদ আলী আলে-হাশেম থাকতে পারেন বলে সংবাদ সংস্থা রয়টার্স ইরানের সরকারি বার্তা সংস্থা আইআরএনএ-র বরাতে জানিয়েছে। ইরানের স্বরাষ্ট্রমন্ত্রী আমির ওয়াহিদি স্থানীয় গণমাধ্যমকে জানিয়েছেন উদ্ধারকারী দল ঘটনা স্থলে পৌঁছানোর চেষ্টা করছে, তবে দুর্যোগপূর্ণ আবহাওয়ার কারণে কিছুটা সময় লাগতে পারে। দুর্ঘটনাকবলিত হেলিকপ্টারটির সাথে এখনও পর্যন্ত কোন যোগাযোগ স্থাপন করা যায়নি। তাই সেখানে আরোহীদের কী অবস্থা তা জানা যায়নি। স্থানীয় গণমাধ্যম জানিয়েছে, প্রেসিডেন্ট রাইসি আজারবাইজানের সীমান্তের কাছে কিজ কালাসি এবং খোদাফারিন বাঁধ দুটো উদ্বোধন করেন। সেখান থেকে ফিরে তিনি ইরানের উত্তর-পশ্চিমে তাবরিজ শহরের দিক

Gold Price Forecast: Surges to New Highs, Targets 2,462 Next

 Gold continued its rally today, reaching another swing high of 2,419, signaling robust energy in the market as evidenced by the wide range day and full green light. Notably, the top pattern channel line and the 78.6% Fibonacci retracement were both surpassed during today's development. This places gold in a position of strength, potentially closing near the highest point of the current week's trading range. Anticipation is high for an extreme move before the close, potentially culminating in its highest-ever weekly closing cost. Such a development bodes well for future prices, hinting at a continuation of the upward trajectory and the possibility of a breakout to new record highs. Gold Targets 2,462 if 2,431 is Exceeded The recent record high in gold, reaching 2,431, suggests that if this level is surpassed to the upside, gold could advance towards 2,462. This price region is significant as it represents the convergence of two Fibonacci levels: one stemming from a long-term re